Dr. Björn Sonnenberg-Schrank
Floor/room: 01.095
| Film Studies, Film Theory, Filmgeschichte (US-Amerikanischer und Europäischer Film) |
| Gender & Diversity Studies, Feminismus, Intersektionalität |
| Populärkultur(en), Massen-, Jugend- und Gegenkultur |
| amerikanische Literatur des 19. bis 21. Jahrhunderts |
| Visual Studies und bildende Kunst |
| psychoanalytische Theorie |
| Netzwerktheorien |
| Raumtheorien |
| kritische Theorie, (Post-)Strukturalismus |
| Environmental Humanities, Ecosophy and Ecocriticism |
| marxistische Philosophie |
WiSe 2024/25 | Feministische Utopien / Utopischer Feminismus (Seminar) |
Geschichte und Theorie(n) des Horrorfilms (Aufbauseminar) | |
Geschlecht, Identität, Körper, Medien. Gender Studies und/als Medienwissenschaften (Aufbauseminar) | |
SoSe 2024 | |
WiSe 2023/24 | „Die Natur greift an”. Eco-Horror und das Anthropozän im Film (Seminar) |
Geschlecht, Identität, Körper, Medien: Gender Studies und/als Medienwissenschaften (Basisseminar) | |
SoSe 2023 | Krankheit in/als Kultur (Seminar) |
Geschlecht, Identität, Körper, Medien: Gender Studies und/als Medienwissenschaften (Basisseminar) | |
WiSe 2022/23 | Die Müllhalde als kulturelles Archiv. Dinge, Wert, Obsoleszenz, Ökologie (Seminar) |
Verstehen Sie: Spaß? Theorie und Humor (Seminar) | |
Queer Cinema. Repräsentation von LGBTQIA+ in Film und TV (Aufbauseminar) | |
SoSe 2022 | |
2022 | Queering the Screen. LGBTQIA+ Representations in American Cinema & Television (Proseminar) |
Why Gender(s)? Navigating Gender Studies (Proseminar) | |
Being Prec(ar)ious: Poverty in American Literature and Film (Proseminar) | |
2021 | American Greed. Excess and Capitalism in Literature and Film (Proseminar) |
A History of Tenderness. Physical Affection throughout Film History (Proseminar) | |
American Culture Wars (Mittelseminar) | |
Queering the Screen. LGBTQ+ Cinema and Television (Proseminar) | |
2020 | She is a Camera. American Women Filmmakers (Proseminar) |
2019 | American Ailments. Illness and | in Literature&Film (Proseminar) |
Utopian Feminism. Women Writers and the Future (Proseminar) | |
What’s so funny about ..? Humor in American Film and Literature (Proseminar zus. mit Michael Göbel) | |
Redneck vs. City Slickers. The Urban and the Rural in American Film and Television (Workshop – Lycoming College in Williamsburg, PA [USA]) | |
2018 | Black Hollywood Revisited. African American(s in) Film and Television in Trump’s USA (Proseminar) |
Flappers & Philosophers. American Modernist Women Writers (Mittelseminar) | |
The Psychoanalyst at/in the Movies (Proseminar) | |
A History of the American Teen Film (Intensive Course – Masarykova Univerzita Brno, CZ) | |
2017 | Stop Making Sense? Experimental 80s Literature and beyond (Mittelseminar) |
Hollywood goes to High School. American Teen Films 1950-2017 (Proseminar) | |
Introduction to Literary Studies – Focus on American Studies (Einführungskurs) | |
The Pastoral & The Horror. Rural America in Hollywood Cinema (Hauptseminar) | |
2016 | Writing One’s Self. American Autobiographies (Proseminar) |
Paranoia in American Literature and Film (Proseminar) | |
American Women Writers from Then to Now (Hauptseminar) | |
American Literary Naturalism (Proseminar) | |
2015 | „Back to the Future”. Time Travel in American Literature and Film (Proseminar zus. mit Moritz Ingwersen) |
Pastoral and Horror. Rural America in Hollywood Cinema (Proseminar) | |
Introduction to Literary Studies – Focus on American Studies (Einführungskurs) | |
„… all foolish young things”. Youth in 19th Century American Literature (Proseminar) | |
The American Nightmare. Theorizing the Horror Film 3 (Übung der Grundstufe) | |
2014 | „Straight to the Big House”. Prisons in American Literature, Film and TV (Proseminar) |
Tutorial: American Studies (Tutorium BA-Level) | |
Reassembling the Suburbs. Space/Structure/Systems/Theory … and Shopping Malls (Proseminar) | |
2013 | Institutions and Transitions. Adolescence and School Experience in 19th Century American Literature and Beyond (Proseminar) |
The American Nightmare. Theorizing the Horror Film 1 & 2 (Übung der Grundstufe) | |
Black Hollywood. An Introduction to African American(s in) Film and Television (Proseminar) | |
2012 | Prom Night Massacres and High School Musicals. Teenage Culture in American Film and Television (Proseminar) |
2020 | Actor-Network Theory at the Movies. Reassembling the Contemporary American Teen Film with Latour (mit einem Vorwort von Timothy Shary), Palgrave Macmillan. [Dissertation] |
2020 | zus. mit Jasmin Herrmann, Moritz Ingwersen und Olga Tarapata (Hg.): Revisiting Style. Interdisciplinary Articulations, Peter Lang. |
Artikel/Aufsätze (Auswahl)
2021 | „(Bio-)Matters of Concern. Körperökologien” (zus. mit Stefanie Schrank), in Nina Engelhardt / Johannes Schick (Hg.): Erfinden, Schöpfen, Machen: Körpertechniken und Imaginationstechniken, transcript. |
2019 | „Pathological Philology. Desire, Lack and the Digital Humanities”, in Pál Kelemen / Nicolas Pethes (Hg.): Philology in the Making. Theories, Materialities, and Media of Reading and Writing, transcript. |
2016 | „La table du dîner un champ de bataille. L’adolescence et la famille dans les ‘teen films’ (films d’adolescents) aux Etats-Unis”, in Magalie Flores-Lonjou et. al. (Hg.): La familie au cinéma: regards esthétiques et juridiques, Mare & Martin. 189-207. |
„Forbidden Bodies. Teens, Taboos and Porn”, in Claudia Deckers et. al. (Hg.): Pornorama. American Pornographies, LIT. | |
„Mixing Pop and Politics. Campaign Songs and the Battle for America’s Musical Unconscious” (with Jan Niklas Jansen), in Julius Greve / Sascha Pöhlmann (Hg.): America and the Musical Unconscious, Atropos Press. | |
„Blaxploitation Revisited. Foxy & Jackie Brown zwischen Literaturverfilmung und Genrekino”, in Christian Hoffstadt / Nils Bothmann (Hg.): Quentin Tarantino zwischen Komik, Katharsis und Gewalt. Reihe Komik und Gewalt, Projekt Verlag. 39-61. | |
2015 | „Sex in Riverdale. The Construction and Disruption of Gender Roles in Archie Comics”, in Klütsch / Nitzsche / Schlensag (Hg.): Breaking the Panel! Comics as a Medium, LIT. |
2013 | „My Most Prized Possession, an American Obsession. Virginity and the Sexual Politics of the American Teen Film”, in: Excursions Journal Vol. 4 No. 2, University of Sussex, Brighton (UK). 124-142. |
2011 | Foreword and texts to Stefanie Schrank / Vanessa Gundermann: Fakten und Figuren. Ungewöhnliche Wesen aus Ihrer Umgebung, Some & Sons Verlag der Kunsthochschule Burg Giebichstein. |
31. Januar 2020 | „Revisiting Style. Interdisciplinary Articulations“ (gemeinsam mit Moritz Ingwersen, Olga Tarapata, Jasmin Herrmann). International Symposium, University of Cologne: American Studies. |
03/2019 | „One Divided Nation under God. Hollywood’s Construction of the Country”. Lycoming College Williamsport, PA. |
03/2018 | „Hollywood High School. A History of American Teen Films”. Masarykova univerzita Brno. |
22. Mai 2017 | „Pathological Philology. Philology in the Making Theories, Materialities, and Media of Reading and Writing”. Conference of the DAAD-Research-Exchange-Program The Practices of Literary Studies, University of Cologne. |
3. November 2016 | „Literary Studies with Karen Barad’s Agential Realism”. International Workshop on New Media in Literary Studies: From ‘distant reading’ to the ‘collaboratory’. Elementary Practices and Research Infrastructure in Literary Studies, University of Cologne / Kolleg Morphomata. |
24. Mai 2016 | „Drawing Things Together. A Latourian Philology?” (zus. mit Marcus Krause). International Workshop on the Effects of Media Change in Literary Studies: Philology between Paperwork and Computation; Historical and Methodological Perspectives, ELTE University Budapest. |
14. November 2015 | „Die Ästhetik des Häßlichen”. Kunstnacht des Museum Ludwig in Köln. |
7. Dezember 2014 | „Über Charles Laughtons The Night of the Hunter”. Jugendkunstfreunde: Painting Movies, Filmpalette Köln. |
31. Mai 2014 | „Mixing Pop and Politics. Politicians’ Battle for the Musical Unconscious and the Construction of an All-American Image” (with Jan Niklas Jansen). America and the Musical Unconscious, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München (Junior Year in Munich). |
3. November 2013 | „The American Teen Film as Negotiation of (Un-)Popularity”. Unpopular Culture Conference, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München. |
25. Oktober 2013 | „Life in Disneyland. America’s Produced Spaces in Film and Television”. Topographies of Popular Culture Conference, University of Tampere (Finland). |
11. Oktober 2013 | „An Obsession with Produced Spaces. The Cinematic Representation of Shopping Malls and Suburban Ideology”. 12th Conference of the Nordic Association for English Studies: Places and Non-places of English, Uppsala University (Sweden). |
12. Juli 2013 | „My Most Prized Possession, an American Obsession. Virginity and the Sexual Politics of the American Teen Film”. Purity Conference, University of Sussex in Brighton. |
28. Juni 2013 | „The Dinner Table, a Battle Field. Adolescence and Family in American Teen Films”. 6th Droit et Cinema Conference, Université La Rochelle (France). |
1. Juni 2013 | „Liminality and Fatalism. American Adolescence in the Rural Teen Film”. 60th Annual Conference of the DGfA (German Society for American Studies), Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen. |
10. Mai 2013 | „The Construction and Disruption of Gender Stereotypes in Archie Comics”. Comics Studies Conference, TU Dortmund. |
16. Februar 2014 | „Rural Teen Film”. 34th Annual Southwest/Texas Popular Culture and American Culture Conference, Albuquerque, NM (USA). |
| SCMS (Society for Cinema and Media Studies) |
| NECS (European Network for Cinema and Media Studies) |
| DGfA (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Amerikastudien) |
| MLA (Modern Language Association) |